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LOVE LETTER opens 6-8pm Friday 8 May

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Opening Friday 8th May 6-8pm.
Open 11am - 5pm Friday - Sunday, 9 - 24 May 

Michael Li Present to you, 2015, photograph 

Love Letter is curated by Yves Lee and includes the work of artists Ally Adeney, Cecilia Castro, Andy Ho, Yves Lee, Michael Li, Tania Murphy, Merena Nguyen, Ariel Smith, Annemieke Tierney, Ed Whitelock, Nancy Yu, Aviva Zhang and Jasmine Zhuang Jia.

"We speak different languages, from different parts of the world and maybe even universe, but somehow, through art we can communicate, like a love letter." -curator, Love Letter

A special thank to the sponsors of Love Letter:
Art Monthly UK
Art Almanac - May Issue
Xian Dai Architectural Design

View Love Letter's international advertising on the UK Art Monthly website

For more news visit the Love Letter Facebook Page